Show Some Love To Your Gut

The Once-A-Day Wonder To Overcome Depression & Anxiety By Creating A Healthy Bloat-Free Gut!

Get Your FREE Gut Health Starter Pack!

Get Your FREE
Gut Health Starter Pack!

Even if you’re consuming the best probiotics in the world, you aren’t getting the complete digestive support your body needs if you're suffering from constipation, bloating... and perhaps the worst of all, depression and anxiety caused by an unhealthy gut.

That's unless your probiotics also provide all the important nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for the ultimate digestive support—like Aluva Life Greens.
Even if you’re consuming the best probiotics in the world, you aren’t getting the complete digestive support your body needs if you're suffering from constipation, bloating... and perhaps the worst of all, depression and anxiety caused by an unhealthy gut.

That's unless your probiotics also provide all the important nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for the ultimate digestive support—
like Aluva Life Greens.

Claim Your FREE 3-Day Sample! 👇

Can A Healthy Gut Really Help To Manage Depression & Anxiety? The Short Answer Is: YES—Here’s How… 
Can A Healthy Gut Really Help To Manage Depression & Anxiety? The Short Answer Is: YES— 
Here’s How…
Did you know that the bacteria in your gut affects the way you think and can cause you depression and anxiety? Well, it can!

Shocked? So was everyone else when three American scientists published the results from their breakthrough study in 2020.

The study went into detail on how gut bacteria is linked to mental well-being.

But the bottom line is this:

When your gut is healthy; you feel happy, you’re always in a good mood, and you can breeze through your day-to-day tasks with ease.

Conversely, if your gut doesn't function properly, contains accumulated waste and fluid, or suffers from inflammation, then you’re more prone to anxiety and depression. You get overwhelmed so easily and get stressed out over small things.

To top it off, an unhealthy gut makes you suffer from leaky gut, bloating, and cramping. You might’ve already given up your favorite foods that always send you to the nearest bathroom and ruin the rest of your day.

If that’s happening to you, it’s time to meet Aluva Life Greens.
Say Goodbye To Unhealthy Gut—
Say Hello To Healthier & Happier YOU!
Say Goodbye To Unhealthy Gut—
Say Hello To Healthier &
Happier YOU!
Click to enlarge supplement facts.
Before we go any further, we’d like to let you know that this is NOT a puny yogurt sprinkled with probiotics. This is not a cardboard cereal packed with fiber, either.

It’s a one-of-a-kind green product, packed with super-nutrients, probiotics, prebiotics, and vital minerals. A special blend of super ingredients that kicks your digestive health to overdrive, and helps your body better absorb nutrients for prolonged energy, immune health, wellness, and vitality.

It’s far beyond probiotics. Because it does more than just soothe and calm the digestive system, it improves your health from head to toe. It makes you feel better, too! As your gut health improves, so does your mental well-being!

First, It Takes Care Of All 3 Digestive Hot Spots With This 
Unlikely Digestive Superhero
This superhero is called Probiotic MegaDuo™.

Why "unlikely?" Because technically, it contains probiotics that are almost indigestible. But that just means your stomach won't quickly dissolve and strip it of nutrients.

Remember, your digestive system is enormous. If you unwound the whole thing, it would measure an astounding 30 feet long! With every swallow, foods and drinks are going through these three hotspots:
  • The stomach where food is processed by acids and enzymes
  • ​The small intestine that has “friendly bacteria” to further digest foods, so your body can absorb the nutrients
  • Then finally, the colon that has even more friendly bacteria to break down any undigested materials
A smooth and healthy digestive system depends on all these three hot spots working together in perfect harmony.





The Problem With Over-The-Counter, Puny Probiotics Is That 
They Don't Survive The
Full Journey
If they did, you wouldn’t be here, right?

Those products usually leave about 15+ feet of digestive system still in need.

Probiotic MegaDuo™ is different.

It is uniquely capable of surviving the entire journey all the way to your colon—ensuring your friendly bacteria is ready to eat up and flourish.

So finally, your poor, overworked friendly bacteria can get the nutrients they desperately need to be “more productive.”

When You Have A Healthy Gut, You Can Expect…
  • Smoother bowel movements—for faster in and out bathroom stops
  • ​Quieter digestion, without the embarrassing noises or cramping
  • ​Eat any food you want without a second thought. No food will make you feel bloated or force you to go to the nearest bathroom—ever again.
  • ​Feeling better and much healthier as your body starts to absorb more nutrients
  • ​And the best of all…
…You Can Overcome Depression & Anxiety 
By Showing Love To Your Gut
You Can Overcome Depression & Anxiety By Showing Love To Your Gut!
For many years, people—including doctors and scientists—believed that digestive problems were symptoms of depression and anxiety.

That’s until very recently when American scientists found that it’s actually the opposite.

According to the 2020 study mentioned earlier, depression and anxiety are symptoms of digestive problems.

You probably don’t need more medications or therapy visits.

The key to your mental well-being could be in your gut.

As it is for so many other people like you.

Imagine always being in a good mood. No more mood swings. No more overwhelming stress that ruins your day. And no more anxiety that sometimes can make you stop functioning.

Wouldn’t that be great?
It Tastes So Good, People Actually Crave For It!
It Tastes So Good,
People Actually Crave For It!
Seriously, Aluva's Life Greens is the only green product you’ll ever crave. But don’t just take our word for it. Watch the videos below to see what others had to say about the taste during a recent blind taste test.

This delicious drink is packed with super nutrients, probiotics, prebiotics, and vital minerals that support digestive health, and better nutrient absorption for prolonged energy, immune health, wellness, and vitality.

More Than Just Probiotics,
It Makes You 
Feel Better & Healthier Every Day!
More Than Just Probiotics, It Makes You 
Feel Better & Healthier Every Day!

Live Healthily Into Your 80s 
and Beyond!

Live Healthily Into Your 80s and Beyond!

Aluva Life Greens contains Non-GMO Japanese Matcha. Yes, Japanese elders’ secret to living a long healthy life. It’s rich in antioxidants. It keeps your brain sharp as you age. Even better, it can help you prevent heart disease and diabetes. That’s everything you need for healthy aging.

Clear Up Brain Fog And
Keep Your Brain Sharp

Clear Up Brain Fog And Keep Your Brain Sharp

Kale Leaf. That’s another super ingredient packed into every sachet of Aluva Life Greens. It’s proven to reduce oxidative stress that can cause memory loss and brain fog, allowing you to maintain your brain’s function as you age. Plus, it can also save you from other age-related diseases like diabetes, cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

Defy Your Age—Stay Young Inside And Out!

Defy Your Age -
Stay Young Inside And Out!

Imagine as you age, your skin repairs itself so that you don’t have to worry about wrinkles, fine lines, and every other sign of aging. That’s just one thing Spirulina—another super ingredient contained in Aluva Life Greens—can do for you. It’s rich in antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation, allowing your skin to repair itself. Other than that, it can do so many things, including maintaining your muscle strength, helping you stay healthy during winter and throughout the year, improving your mental function, and so much more!

Boost Your Health And Prevent Cancer

Boost Your Health And
Prevent Cancer

A rich source of critical micronutrients like potassium, magnesium, iron, and zinc, as well as essential vitamins, Spinach can help improve your health in many different ways. This is why Aluva Life Greens also contains spinach powder in its blend of super ingredients. Spinach can help support eye health, reduce oxidative stress to help you get sick less often, and it can also help to prevent cancer.
All You Need For Getting Healthier And Be Happier Is In A Single Bottle Of Delicious Green Juice
All You Need For Getting Healthier And Be Happier Is In A Single Bottle Of Delicious 
Green Juice
Every single super ingredient packs an enormous amount of support to give you the Ultimate Gut Support and help you live a long healthy life.

If you want to overcome depression and anxiety, all while getting rid of the annoying stomach cramping, bloating, constipation and discomfort… Aluva Life Greens is made for you.
See What Other People Are Saying...

"MIND. BLOWN. I’ve had many people come up to me and tell me how good I look. They ask if I’ve lost weight and I’ve lost 20 pounds!! I have energy back, I don’t feel that brain fog, my body doesn’t ache anymore.. Y’all this is the real deal!"

Courtney W.

"I’ve never felt healthier than I do when drinking life greens. These products are life changing. They helped with monthly bloating more than anything. Was able to eat a regular diet and dropped weight and inches with ease."

Mary T.

So, Why Not Try Life Greens Today? Request A Free Sample And See The Amazing Results For Yourself
You don't have to sit there and wonder if these results are for real.

You can feel this comfort and ease now—at no risk whatsoever. Just request your free sample, and give it a try from the comfort of your home. We’re sure you’ll be surprised by how quickly it can make your stomach feel calmer and quieter, and keep it that way all day long—no matter what foods you eat.

The next morning, you’ll wake up feeling extremely refreshed and in a happy mood to start your day. This is the kind of result you’ll expect when the friendly bacteria in your gut is healthy and well-nurtured.

So why wait? Give your gut the ultimate support it deserves—and start looking forward to a healthier and happier you!
Also Included In Your FREE Gut Health Starter Pack...
Also Included In The 
FREE Gut Health Starter Pack...

The Essential Guide to
Gut Bacteria And mental health 

The Essential Guide to
Gut Bacteria and mental health 

Feel Better & Healthier Every Day!

This free guide will explain how to improve gut bacteria that causes depression and anxiety so you can
start feeling happier today!

This free guide will explain how to improve gut bacteria that causes depression and anxiety so you can start feeling happier today!

Learn the step-by-step approach for FREE!

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